I love this game because it is so awful. It puts everything else in perspective.

User Rating: 1.5 | Vigilante TG16
I'm always impressed by how bad this game is. Vigilante raises the bar for bad games; the controls are broken, the difficulty is mind-blowing, and the audio and animations are garbage. And yet, I bought it knowing full well the extent of the sheer awfulness that awaited me. So I played it. And Gamespot's review was right. It sucked. What was I expecting? An amazing experience that would change my life? Well, I got one. I love Vigilante only because I can go back to it knowing that it is bad, and will continue to be bad. It's not a frustrating type of bad either. It loads quickly, I start playing, and two minutes later I'm dead and I have to start over. That's all I ask out of this game: a terrible, archaic experience that should have never graced the VC. But what the heck. It's good for a person to see GAME OVER repeatedly. Whenever I get frustrated with a game that is actually good, I go play Vigilante. "Now this is a really bad game." Keeps things in perspective.

SO.... if you need an experience that is bad, and you want it to be bad, buy this game. It will be $6 out of your pocket that you should have spent on something worthwhile. But don't worry about it. Everyone else who bought it thinks the same thing.