Viewtiful Joe is back! True, not as good as the first game but it is still fun to play.

User Rating: 8.8 | Viewtiful Joe 2 PS2
Viewtiful Joe is back to last years hit game!….Well, he said he was coming back! Didn’t he!?!? Viewtiful Joe 2 picks up exactly were the first left off. Captain warns you that there are two more times when the earth will be in danger. Okay, so where are the baddies this time? You won’t have to look far because immediately after Captain Blue finished his statement, he gets kidnapped! How original but how cares! This time you must rescue Captain Blue from the evil clutches of the evil Gedow organization and find out who is behind it all. But to help along the way, actually just around to pick what movies Joe will go in next, is none other than Joe’s dad, Jet Black. As in the first game, Joe will have his same powers, Slow, Mach Speed, and Zoom. The new power in this game is Replay. Replay lets you record a move and replay it three times over, causing 3x the damage. There is a catch though, only Silvia could use it. That’s right, Silvia is a playable character from the start of the game. She and Joe are a tag team and can also perform attacks together. The items that were in the previous game return in Viewtiful Joe 2. Nothing really that new. One important change in this game is the Six Machine. Instead of waiting for a level to go on this sweet ride, you can use it during battle to blast your enemy away. However, you can only use it when you have max V-power and once you use it, you have to wait until your V power goes up again. For those levels that need the Six Machine, you can now turn it into Drill Six, with the ability to drill through obstacles, and the Six Dolphin, which is a submarine form for the Six machine takes. The game allows you to unlock different modes for this game. Unfortunately, there are no un-lockable characters in this game. However, there are mini games called chambers, which you unlock as you play the game. The chambers are a way to test your skills. They’ll put you up against enemies with a time limit or another difficulty. This will keep you busy since there are many chambers to unlock. As for gameplay, the same as the previous game, it’s very addictive. Graphics and Sound are the same as in the first Viewtiful Joe. As for value, the game is short and since there are no characters to unlock, there really is no point in playing the game over, unless you do it in a different mode. True, there is the addition of chambers but these can only last you a few minutes. Not enough replay value. Overall, Viewtiful Joe 2 is a good game and if you really liked the first one, you’ll love this one. Otherwise, there is really nothing new in this game, except story.