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Shaq Tells Us About His New Game

Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn is the sequel to a 1994 cult classic. We sit down with Shaquille O'Neal to ask him about his new game and whether or not Aaron Carter actually beat him 1-on-1. Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn releases for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Switch next month.

Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn has been on a legendary journey to get made. The game concept started as an Indiegogo campaign several years ago, and now it's finally about to release on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. So, who better to ask about the game than the man of honor himself: Shaquille O'Neal. Check out the video above, where we sit down with Shaq to hear what he thinks of the game.

It's not the first time the iconic basketball player has been immortalized in his own video game; the original Shaq Fu was a 2D fighting game that came out in 1994. A Legend Reborn is not a remake, but rather a loose sequel, with many improvements over the original.

"In many circles, the game has become a cult-classic, attaining the status of 'so bad it's good' and even prompting one fan to dedicate a website, to the destruction of all remaining copies of the game," said A Legend Reborn developer Big Deez Productions on its Indiegogo website.

"There are two, and only two, similarities between our Shaq Fu, and the abomination that was born in the nineties: The name, and the starring character...We want to build a game that would kick ass even without Shaq. As the main character, however, Shaq, really wants to be a part of this and we love that he’s onboard. He's going to have a huge involvement in this and he is not about to let the same mistake happen twice, and neither are we," the studio added in the past.

So what does Shaq think about that? You'll have to watch the video to find out. Shaq Fu releases on June 5.