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GTA 6 Leak Appears In Goat Simulator 3 Ad | GameSpot News

The Goat Simulator franchise isn’t new to trollish antics, but a recent ad for Goat Sim 3 took those antics to another level by including gameplay from the massive GTA 6 leak that emerged earlier this year.

The ad, which is currently unavailable, featured a humorous overview of an NPC named Shaun, who describes his duties as walking around in circles, picking things up, and sitting on a bench. The GTA 6 clip comes late in the ad, when Shaun says that you can see him in some "footage that was leaked a couple of months ago."

GTA publisher Take-Two did not find this bit funny at all, and it didn't take long for the company to issue a DMCA notice to take down the video.

In other news, the director of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor recently spoke with Game Informer and explained features we can expect from the upcoming game.

There are a total of five lightsaber stances, including a dual-blade stance and one where Cal wields both a lightsaber and a blaster. A new heavy and slow style uses the crossguard lightsaber, as introduced by Kylo Ren. These new stances will let you hit harder or from farther away, but whether you should use them depends on the enemies you will be facing.

If you want to play a space game right now, look no further than High On Life.

The wild and wacky shooter from Squanch Games is tearing it up on Xbox Game Pass. Benji Sales on Twitter found a list that showed the new game from Ricky and Morty's Justin Roiland as the No. 1 "most-popular" Xbox Game Pass title earlier this week. The game's own Twitter account re-shared the tweet.

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