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Fortnite Week 6: Where To Visit Wooden Rabbit, Stone Pig, And Metal Llama Location (Season 8 Challenge Guide)

Season 8 Week 6 sets you on a search for a Wooden Rabbit, Brick Pig, and Metal Llama to complete this week's challenge. Here's where to find them.

Week 6 of Fortnite Season 8 has arrived, and there's a new set of challenges in Epic's hit battle royale game. Most of this week's objectives are self-explanatory and shouldn't be too much of a problem to complete, but one that may give you a bit of trouble--particularly if aren't very familiar with the layout of Fortnite's island--is to visit a wooden rabbit, stone pig, and metal llama. That may not be much to go on, so we've put together a guide to show you what to do.

To complete this challenge, you simply need to stop by the three animal-shaped structures scattered around the island. This does not need to be done in a single round, so you can visit the structures across multiple matches. The wooden rabbit can be found in map quadrant A4, in an area between Haunted Hills and Snobby Shores; the stone pig is east of Lucky Landing; and the metal llama is northwest of Junk Junction. If you need more help finding them, you can watch where we go in the video above.