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Fortnite Season 10 | Where To Shoot Easy Firing Range Targets

In this guide we go to a quick and easy location to access a firing range, allowing you to complete the "easy" firing range target challenge. Captured on PC.

Week 9 of Fortnite Season 10 has arrived, which means Season 11 is just around the corner now. In the meantime, there's a new set of challenges to complete in Epic's hit battle royale game. This week's set of missions is called Bullseye, and most revolve around hitting targets or getting precision shots. You'll need to do both of those things to complete one task in particular, which asks you to hit an easy firing range target.

The trickiest part about this challenge is finding the firing ranges, but once you know where they're located, all you need to do is step on the switch near their sign and shoot one of the targets that pops up. You can watch us complete the challenge in the video above. If you need help finding the firing ranges, we've put together a map of their locations in our written challenge guide.