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Fortnite Season 10 | Where To Land On Different Bullseye Targets

Fortnite has a new weekly set of challenges for battle pass owners to complete. In this guide you'll see where to land on three different glowing targets. Captured on PC.

Season 10 of Fortnite is almost over, but before Season 11 arrives, there are still a few more challenges to complete in Epic's hit battle royale game. Week 9's set of challenges is called Bullseye, and as the name suggests, most of the tasks involve hitting targets. One takes the theme quite literally and asks you to land on different bullseyes. If you're not sure where those are, we're here to help.

There are three bullseyes painted on the ground in various corners of the Fortnite island, and to complete this challenge, you'll need to land on all three of them. The bullseyes should be fairly easy to spot from the air so long as you dive in their general direction, but if you're not sure where they're located, we show you in the video above. You can also find a map of the bullseye locations in our written challenge guide.