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Fortnite: Search Hidden "R" In Slurp Loading Screen (Chapter 2 Challenge)

Here's where to go to find the secret letter 'R' found in the week 3 loading screen, after completing 8 challenges. Captured on PC.

The third batch of Fortnite Chapter 2 challenges is now live. As usual, if you complete at least eight of the missions, you'll unlock a special loading screen that contains a clue pointing you to another letter hidden somewhere around the island. This week, it's the letter R, but if you're having trouble tracking it down, we show you exactly where to go in the video above.

The Forged in Slurp loading screen you unlock features the new Rippley skin standing before the Slurp Factory in Slurpy Swamp. That's where the letter will appear, but you may have trouble finding the exact spot the letter is hidden. It turns out the R will appear beneath a platform on the northeastern side of the factory. Make your way there and interact with the letter when prompted to complete the challenge and take another step closer to unlocking this season's special skin.

If you need more help finding the R, we've also put together a map of the hidden letter's location. Note that the R won't appear until you've unlocked its corresponding challenge, so you'll need to work through the other Forged in Slurp missions before you can collect it. Be sure to also check out our full Fortnite Chapter 2 challenges roundup for our other maps and guides from this season.