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Death Stranding Slips Feat. Sam Porter, Expert Hiker

Bumps and bruises are bound to happen on your journey, so we show you how bad some of Death Stranding's tumbles can get.

One of Death Stranding's greatest strengths is how well it captures the experience of hiking through the wilderness. Unlike most open-world games, where you just use a thumbstick to move between point A and point B, in Death Stranding you have to keep yourself balanced and take environmental factors into consideration. When you don't, it can lead to some hilarious falls.

As funny as protagonist Sam looks when he's tumbling down the side of a mountain, it's not actually something you want to happen on a regular basis. Losing your footing can cause you to drop what you're carrying or see you take a hit on your stamina. Neither is ideal if you're looking to deliver your parcels undamaged in a timely manner. It's probably best to enjoy Sam's misery throughout our pitiful hiking skills in the video above--falling down in your own game may leave you a tad frustrated. Just enjoy Death Stranding. It's a good game.

In GameSpot's Death Stranding review, Kallie Plagge wrote, "Death Stranding is a hard game to absorb. There are many intertwining threads to its plot, and silly names, corny moments, and heavy exposition belie an otherwise very simple message. That comes through much more clearly in the game's more mundane moments, when you find a desperately-needed ladder left behind by another player or receive a letter from an NPC thanking you for your efforts. It's positive without ignoring pain; in fact, it argues in both its story and its gameplay that adversity itself is what makes things worth doing and life worth living. It's a game that requires patience, compassion, and love, and it's also one we really need right now."