Before "Grand Theft Auto", there was "Vice: Project Doom"!

User Rating: 9 | Vice: Project Doom NES

It may have taken a LONG time for this game to finally see a re-release, but at long last, it is back on the Nintendo Switch through the Nintendo Entertainment System via the Online Service! While this game shares some similarities with "Ninja Gaiden", there are some unique things about this game that make it stand out on its own. For starters, this game has unique gaming segments to it. In two levels, you get to drive in a car, and you have to gun down as many enemies as you can. In another two levels, you switch to a first person perspective, and have to gun down as many enemies as you can before they can gun YOU down! The rest of the stages, have you playing in a platform game as a character named Mr. Hart, who has different weapons at his disposal to use against the many strange mutant enemies and ninjas that attack him! Either using a sword, a limited amount of bullets (up to 99 at any one time), or a limited amount of fire bombs (also up to 99 at any one time), he can attack his enemies up close, or from a distance! While it is possible to restore your health by picking up either bottles of water or some kind of meat dish, the drops are always random, so try to memorize where the bad guys appear, and the attack patterns they tend to use! What really makes this game stand out, is just how DARK the game seems to be, compared to many of the other NES games, and the cinema scenes make the game's story seem really compelling compared to many games that came out before it! The sound, music, and control are all pretty stellar by NES standards, and the graphics make this game approach Turbographx-16 levels at times, which is pretty impressive for the NES! This game just proves that there isn't ANYTHING that Sony has done, that Nintendo has already HAS done, and better! Enough said, true believers!