Shinji Mikami + Sega + 3rd person shooter with bad a$$ characters? Sign me in !

User Rating: 9 | Vanquish X360
From the beginning, in my first 10 minutes of playing I knew this game was something different to what we are used to see. The graphics in this game are amazing, solid and with radiant colors and special effects. Sound is good, nothing to complain in that aspect. Game-play is absolutely perfect, they have achieved a Gears Of Wars (GOW) style, with fast paced action and incredible battles. The characters have the same kind of personality than the ones in GOW, so they are really bad a$$. I have to admit that the game´s ending took me totally by surprise, I didn´t expected that type of ending, but... If i didn´t expected it and i still liked it, it means that it was a good ending and not the typical one. Don´t worry, I wont spoil anything. Summing up, this game is really enjoyable and deserves your time.