Ambitious and revolutionary. It took many genres and classifications and weaved them together.

User Rating: 9 | Senjou no Valkyria PS3
I was very hesitant in buying this game, because looking at the reviews and then looking at the cover and the back I just didn't know what to expect. I'm glad I did buy this game in the end. Gamespot is completely right in its abbreviated review about this being a "refreshing" RPG. It is innovative and spins off a battle system almost in its own genre entirely- something of a turn-based with a small taste of real-time involved with a mix of strategy induced timed turns altogether. I was right not knowing what to expect with this game, because if you don't ever try it, you won't ever know what to expect. It almost seems as if writing a review for this is futile, because it doesn't matter what I say or write, or what you hear or read- you have to rent or buy this game to experience it for yourself. However, since I started already, why not try and enlighten you.

First of all, the storyline is great. The entire game play is that of an overview into a book that is turning pages only as you advance through the game. There is no free-movement in this game. You do not go through towns or forests or dungeons on your own. Everywhere you go and everything you do is pre-destined for you. That aspect alone made many of my fellow RPG fans non-able to indulge in this game. But let me tell you this, the character development and training is really not all that bad. You get points and cash after each battle, then you can develop weapons and tanks and you can train soldiers on the training grounds as you see fit. There are extra training battles in the game, called Skirmishes, that you can train soldiers individually in, as well. This RPG doesn't fit any classic RPG traditional notions or cliches. It is incredibly original and unique in almost every aspect of its game play. Only until after the first play through can you go back and play previous battles and see previous scenes. I think I played through this game seriously something like 10+ times trying to get all the trophies and incentives on the different tabs on the book that you see through the entire plot.

I liked the game a lot. I thought it was fun for the first 5 times through, but eventually everything gets old and as gamers we become fickle after playing through the same game over and over and over again. All in all, I enjoyed it.