Im a very experienced gamer and from my perspective I can tell you that this game is extremely repetitive. Bad A.I too.

User Rating: 6.5 | Senjou no Valkyria PS3
The graphics are alright, I mean if you're into the whole cartoonish atmosphere that's cool. It's just that I dont think they're all that impressive. I know I sound like a hater but what can I say... I've played ALOT of games and it's harder to impress me these days. I've played alot of RPG's in my day and let me tell you that I know a good one when I play one. Valkyria is a game that when you first play you tell yourself:" Hmmm, this is pretty interesting..." After a few chapters into the game when you've done almost everything there is to possibly do in the game you tell yourself:" This is freakin repetitive". Might I add the story is very childish Im sure children would love this game. Unfortunately I am 25 years and am in no mood for corny love stories fresh outta Japan. God bless Japan for making unbelievable video games along the years! Im not a Japan hater Im just saying that if I wanted to see a romantic movie I'd go out and watch Notebook on DVD. PSYCH! Note to self... never believe all the user comments again... otherwise I'd still have my 60$ I spent to go out and buy this game. Did I mention how BAD the A.I was in this game?! It's HORRIBLE! The A.I has a variety of different skills it could use to kill you but simply uses ONE! PATHETIC! DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. RENT IT!