Press A 5'000 times to become the Urban Champion

User Rating: 1.5 | Urban Champion NES
Heres something. Retro games are awesome. In particular, I use a free NES Java emulator to play the classics I missed. However I decided to check out Urban Champion, It was made by Nintendo so I thought "Hey, its by Nintendo, so it should be pretty good." I was wrong. Urban Champion has the kind of one-note gameplay that makes lightgun games feel like RPG's. You play as a nameless dude who is trying to become the Urban Champion. He has to punch and kick his way to the top to be crowned the Urban Champion. However, playing this does NOT make me feel like an Urban Champion, it makes me feel like an Urban Loser, no matter how much I win. This game is so easy. In fact, to easy. Im not a fan of easy. I play games first on Normal, then on Hard, and then (if said game has it) Very Hard/Ultra Hard/Maniac/Path of the Master Ninja. You can beat this game by just spamming A. Its really that easy. This turd is on VC should you want to download it. But dont bother wasting 500 points on this. Instead download Super Metroid or Sin And Punsihment. Not Urban Champion. Im running out of ways to say Dont Play It. But ill throw in some more. This game was one of the first and worst NES games. Luckly the system blossomed in 1985 thanks to a certain Italian Plumber and his NES game. Serriously, avoid this like a beehive and leave it to be forgotten.