
User Rating: 10 | Until Dawn PS4

I just finished my first. play through. I honestly love this game small graphical issues aside its a masterpiece, just as the reviewer stated every small trinket or totem seems meaningless until its purpose falls into place making you truly fear for the characters you are controlling. I honestly was punching pillows in rage and errors i made resulting in deaths of characters i had come to love. Me and a buddy played together constantly arguing about what decisions to make, what the hell is truly happening in the story, and whos fault it was when a character died. I have also never truly felt terror and intensity as i have in this game specifically the final 3-4 chapters, you are constantly having to pay attention and react within mere seconds or you will have fatal consequences. I had 2 of 8 survive the first play through but i plan to get the whole cast through safely on round two. All in all this game is a masterpiece of the thriller/horror genre and new age of video game story telling.