The Original that Struck It Perfectly

User Rating: 9.5 | Unreal Tournament (Best of Infogrames) PC
All Shooter fans shall bow to the glory of this game.

To Begin this game is highly addictive from the start.

Its graphics are fair considierings it's age but its fun hands down. Much went into the making in this game. The Emmensive backgrounds the Weapons and even the simple thing such as the bullet holes.

While today many people enjoy the newer unreal tournaments this one proves that the best in the series of games is the original.

There are 3 basic modes. Deathmatch CTF and Domination. DeathMatch as the name inplies is a slaughter to win round where each player trys to rack up the most Frags or Kills. CTF if Self Explaintory. Dominiation is a fun mode where u atempt to captture and hold Scores. Once you find one you must keep it as long as possile gettung points every second for its saftey.

The weapons are detailed and have 2 functions. Primary Fire is a usefull easy to use mode. Secondary Fire Might Require Skill to use right in hope u dont blow yourself to bits. The weapons include : The Enforcer, THe Chainsaw, The Impact Hammer, Bio-Rifle, Shock RIfle, Flak Cannon, Mini-Gun/Gattlink, Rocket Launcher,Pulse Gun, and Redeemer. THis large selection allows players to find a usefull favorite.

Overall This Is a Must have Game.