A good game for a low-end pc...

User Rating: 9.2 | Unreal Tournament (Best of Infogrames) PC
When I bought this game years ago, I thought that the game will be slow because at that time, my pc was really old. I was wrong... This game looks great even on an old pc/ a pc not meant for gaming...this game is loads of fun...trust me... do not cheat like I did. When I first played the game, I put the difficulty on novice enabled God mode and shot everything! Sure it was fun for a few days, the it got old. Cheats just ruins the game. I suggest playing a few practice sessions with auto adjust skill enabled to see what skill level you are in. Currently I am at inhuman, the second hardest difficulty setting. This game is fun because of the great AI. The bots won't charge at you with a sniper rifle ,they will simply hang back and shoot at you at a proper distance. Graphics were really good when this game was released and still good enough to make the game playable. Sound is good. Gameplay is top-notch! Buy this game, it's quite cheap nowadays...