Turn on some loud music for this one!

User Rating: 9.5 | Unreal Tournament (Best of Infogrames) PC
This is one of those games that will either stand the test of time and live forever, or be remade horribly. But for right now, its still the king of shooters among my games. The gameplay was completely original. Shoot anything that moves. That was the only rule. Oh and slaughter or be slaughtered. The bots were easy on easy, a little too easy sometimes. And on godlike. Lets just say I never lasted 2 minutes on Godlike. Game Of The Year Edition, which is what I have, has so many modifiers on it that you can play the same game twice, but it probably wont be the same. The graphics are just beefy even for a game released in 2000. Doesnt even seem like that long ago. The levels range from small to huge. And the best part os with GOTYE, you can play in maps made for other versions like Assault or CTF. The character models are full, that is, on this competer. The computer I had when I bought it was just crap and I could barely see anything. Even once youre done with the tournament mode, you'll still want to just play the levels in practice and learn the secrets of the game. If you ever get bored doing that, the game is young enough to have multiplayer. Which I cant play right now because I need the first disc. This game is probably 4th or 5th in my all-time favorites. If you ever find this game in a used bin, buy it. You will NOT be disappointed. Unlike Unreal Championship.