This is simply the greatest multiplayer first person shooter of all time because of one thing. Value.

User Rating: 9.6 | Unreal Tournament (Best of Infogrames) PC
Unreal Tournament is what you could possibly say is the expansion or updated version of the 1998 classic Unreal. Unreal was the start of the successful Unreal series of games which have came out in the past six years. But Unreal Tournament had some big shoes to fill but it took it up to an extra couple of sizes. This was the beginning of a legendary game and quite possibly the greatest first-person shooter to date. This game is the revolution of first person shooters in my opinion but if it wasn't for games like like Half-Life and Quake III Arena this would've been the revolution for online gaming in the 21st Century. The main story in the game it's about the year 2291 if I'm right. (sorry if corrected). And the violence and crime in the galaxy is getting out of hand, so there's a tournament held where the best warriors are gathered to slaughter it out until somebody because the champion. Which this is meant to help stop the violence and crime in the galaxy. This is where you come in as a contender to take out the tournament and to become the strongest warrior in the galaxy. Unreal Tournament is a very unique game in which your given six massive different modes to choose from in the game that include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Domination, Last Man Standing and the mode that Unreal Tournaments proud reputation is based on is the new Assault feature. In the main Unreal Tournament or campaign mode you have to first select your characters class, Sex, Skin and even voice. Which you can choose from a female soldier to one of the most feared alien species the Skarrj or even the quite hilarious Nali War Cow. Then you slog it out in the campaign mode until you unlock all five game features and ultimately win all five tournaments and become the Unreal Tournament champion. The games gamplay is extriemely addictive and fun to play. You'll never really get sick of the game and you'll be lured into the games multiplayer or online mode months after you've finished to the main game. The only faults are in a couple of the smaller stages in the deathmatch and Capture the Flag mode. Because the game can easily become a bloodbath and quite a lot of resporning. And the level " Hall of Giants" is far too big. The graphics are just truly mindblowing when you're first introduced to the game and it's very realistic and surreal.( this is back in 2001). But no matter how old the game is the graphics quality today is very good and still quite nice to watch. The detailing on the characters are second to none. With all the options from choosing the skins, faces and colours. This game has a massive range of options and the character detail is quite believable. Unreal Tournament still to this day I play on a regular basis and its still addictive and very fun to play. Even after five years of the games release this game still doesn't loose its touch and your always still learning new things. Even today I still learn little things while playing and I'm always improving in a few spots. This games learning curve never really stops which is sending out a statement. This game should never be underrated. This is simply the greatest multiplayer first person shooter of all time because of one thing. Value. The learning never ends. You can always do that little bit more. This is one of the finest first person shooters ever made and this game is pure genius from level design to gameplay. Epic you are legends and elites when it comes to game designing.