It's rather disturbing just how much fun you can have with a pack of cards on a next gen console...

User Rating: 9 | Uno X360
Buy Uno from the marketplace. That is all.

Well, O.K it's not quite all but I can assure you if you invest the tiny fee to get this game and start downloading it while you read my review you won't regret it (unless of course you have a morbid fear of cards and will run screaming in terror once the download is complete). Uno is quite simply the most addictive little game I've played in years.

The concept of the game is a simple one, very, very simple. I'm not going to bore you with the rules, but if you haven't played Uno before (and I had not) then you can pick it up pretty instantly without much hassle. The gameplay in Uno is fast, furious occasionally frustrating but ultimately fantastic fun (that's a lot of f's) and that's really all I can say to describe it. Even if you lose you'll find yourself leaping into another game whether it's online or offline and enjoying it just as much. Few games have managed to keep me playing for so many hours on end for a long time. Oh and the rules are fully customizable too!

Well... it's a card game.... but for a card game it's rather nice to look at.

Something you'll find yourself humming along to even if it's dire. Cheesy, irritating but I can't get it out of my head just now.

Lot's of fun both online and off for an incredibly cheap price (cheaper than a pack of the cards apparently). The achievements are fairly easy to plough through but your still come back for more. You can customize the games rules to your hearts content too, and theres even a bit of additional free content to grab off live.

Uno is pure gameplay, and it really works well. Go get it from the marketplace now! Why haven't you started your download already?