Drake strikes for his prequel after his past 4 years.

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception PS3

My 143rd review after Super Mario 3D Land.

I've played this game at Best Buy, and I have to admit it's more loads of fun! I have not much to say but this game gets an A++! Here the results:

Voice-acting 9/10: Really excellent!

Gameplay 10/10: This is 3x the awesomest and also has more realistic adventures!

Graphics 10/10: Nice and realistic artwork design!

Controls 9/10: A prequel means 3x more awesomer controls!

Sound/Music 9/10: Totally terrific!

Lasting Appeal 10/10: If you enjoyed the first two, you'll have fun with this one!

Overall, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is the biggest realistic action/adventure no PS3 owner wants to miss!

The Good:

-Awesome combat

-Realistic design

-Excellent voice-acting and music

The Bad:

-Slight Al problems

-Stiff platforming limits creativity

If you own a PS3 and the first two, get this game to own the whole trilogy! That's the end of my review. Good day!

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception gets a 10 out of 10!
