They have made yet another perfect game, the only flaw is that it ends This makes 3/3 games get a perfect 10

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception PS3
Graphics [10/10]: Like it could get anything else, the attention to detail is unparalleled in games. The colour, the intricate details of each level, the backdrops, the atmosphere, the lighting. ALL SPOT ON. And who doesn't love seeing Nathan get wet up to the level that you entered the water haha

Sound [10/10]: Voice Acting is top notch, when combined with the mo-cap, really feel as part of a living movie. Gunfire and satisfying gun noises really feel just right.

Story [10/10]: The storyline so far is fantastic, gripping and character development and perfectly paced. Really love the amount of immersion you don't get from any other game!

Gameplay [10/10]: Seems the aiming mechanics have changed since the first 2, and no longer able to do the little trick of hiding behind cover without pressing O to lock to it. This makes the game a bit harder, recommend putting up the sensitivity as well so you can aim a bit better. Once i got used to it, the same old epic gameplay was the same. More ways to take down enemies and cool tricks where drake pulls the pin out of their grenades is awesome. LOVE IT. AI also works a bit better, they seem to come right up to you and flank you now, making it a bit more difficult and frantic. Health regen also seems slower, so all round changes for the better!

Level Design [10/10]: WOW, the maps are great, pathways don't always stand out, and you have to explore to figure out your next move. Nothing over the top, but seemless level design between rooms and flawless world detail is incredible.

Overall [10/10]: They have made yet another perfect game, the only flaw is that it ends This makes 3/3 games in the uncharted series get 10/10. This isn't really an improvement on the 2nd game, but that was near perfect, so didn't expect it. Simply more adventures of the same excellent calibre.