This is a amazing game!

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
This is a incredible video game.

Gameplay: The gameplay in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a mix of platforming and shooter elements. Also there are multiple puzzles throughout the game, while not very hard, they are fun. The games weapon arsenal has expanded, it now includes the pistole, the RPG and many more including the FAL. Many weapons return as well like the M4 and AK-47.

Characters: The game introduces many new characters such as Drakes old partner in crime, Harry Flynn and Drake's newest ally: Chloe Frazier. Many old characters appear to like Victor Sullivan and Elena Fischer. Also the villian, Zoran Lazaravich is the most insane and brutal villian in the series.

Story: The story revolves around Marco Polo and his lost ships. You soon discover that Harry Flynn and Lazaravich are looking for the same thing. But Lazaravich's goal is to find the Cinntimani Stone that is hidden in the ancient city of Shambala.
Chloe acts like a double agent, she works for Lazaravich but she assists Drake at any time she can. The campaign takes you through many locations around the globe.

Level Design: The level design is perfect, it constantely changes so you don't feel like your going through the same area over and over again. The game takes place around the globe, from Brazil to Tibet. Having such a wide variety of locations gives you so many fighting locations. One minute you might be running from enemies in Borneo and then the next minute your fighting a small army at Nepal. But one of my favorite battle locations is on top of trucks at a convoy in Tibet.

Conclusion: Overall this game is amazing, mixing together incredible action, thrilling platforming and likeable characters into one revolutionary adventure.