Great game which should be played be all!

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a definite lift off from it's predecessor. From the get go I'm asking myself questions about the characters and what relationships they have and why they're asking our hero Nathan Drake for help. I'm already very engaged in the story and was looking forward to where everything was headed. The story mostly revolves around racing for the treasure & fighting off "bad guys", but it has a very good pacing and is always presented in a way so that you don't get bored of whats going on, the scale is always turned to 10 which makes you feel part of the bigger picture, everything is dramatic, explosive, engaging and makes you want to be part of there world. If there's one thing we know about Nathan Drake, it's that men want to be him and women want to be with him. I don't want to give away too much with the story so I will leave it for you guys to experience first-hand.

The gameplay is improved over the original, for example; how much damage an enemy takes before dying. In Uncharted 1 the enemies would take far too much damage before death and it would just end up feeling unrealistic. In Uncharted 2 the guns are more powerful meaning you don't need to pump 20 or so bullets into an enemy to kill them. Also the melee combat is better. In Uncharted 1 you could just spam the square button for the most part, and not really thinking about it, in Uncharted 2 you have to still spam square to a degree, but you do have to watch out for there attacks and press triangle to dodge, this isn't a major improvement, but still a notable change. Also the gameplay is alot better in terms of scaling across buildings/trains/pipes and whatever else Drake decides to climb, you don't randomly fall of things as often, although there is still sometimes an issues of where exactly Drake can and can't jump, which can lead to frustration, and constantly hearing which ever character is with you shouting "DRAKE!" or "NO!" 20 or so times as your falling on a part that seems perfectly scalable. The issues in the game are very small and not very frequent, and don't take away from the game at all, no game is perfect, but this game is close. Whether it's traversing across a train, making your way threw heaps of snow, collecting hidden treasures or just generally being the hero, you'll have a brilliant experience that makes you wish it never ended. Maybe why I've completed it 3 times and platinumed it.

Uncharted 2 has multiplayer unlike its predecessor 'Drake's Fortune' and it's executed brilliantly. It's not your typical online and is very much based on being aware of your surrounding, and being able to dodge enemy fire and outsmart your enemy in respective of platforming. For example; if somebody is underneath you and gunning at you then you can chose to just fire back with the disadvantage of already being hurt & probably will die first, or you can press circle to roll and hide behind a wall or rubble for cover, or even roll around jump down and gun them down without them ever knowing you were there. In terms of unlockables they are few, there are unlockable perks or 'Boosters' as there named in the game, but they don't really effect gameplay very much, which is a good thing to be honest, because otherwise it will only be the higher level players winning. There isn't any unlockable guns, nor can you chose which guns to start with as the guns are picked for you and you have to pick up guns from around the level, like power weapons (RPG's & shotguns ect.) which can give a serious advantage over other players. Though you can choose your starting player for 'Hero's' or 'Villian's' the opposing teams. There are a few problems with the online for example; if your poking your head over a wall to shoot someone, and you take some damage, you quickly duck back into cover or roll out of the way you sometimes still die a little while after the shot, probably a second after. I think this is one of 2 things: First because the bullets travel quiet slowly and don't instantly hit you, so therefore there is a slight delay in recieving the damage and can cause this delayed death, which can appear unfair & be mildly frustrating. Secondly as a guess i think it's 'lag compensation' which basicly means if your playing with people with poor/average connections then you can get put a few seconds behind them, which makes it seem like they can kill you quicker than you can kill them, although it seems you got the first shot. This is a common thing when it comes to multiplayer gaming, it happens alot in other shooters like 'Call of Duty'. The lag compensation is only a guess and it's not all that frequent, for the most part the connection is fine and alot more stable than other online games I've played.

Overall Uncharted 2 has a blockbuster story and strong competitive multiplayer and shouldn't be missed by a soul. If you don't have a PS3 yet then this is your reason to buy one!