Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a blast to play for the short while you'll be playing it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Now anyone who follows me or my reviews knows that I'm not a big fan of scripted gameplay and cinematics in video games. I find that they're a developer's lazy way of making a game look good when in reality it's a medicore game. As you can tell from the score that I gave this game that this game is far from medicore.

Gameplay, 9. For anyone who does not know anything about Uncharted it is basically a third-person shooter with some platforming elements. When you take away the amazing cutscenes that's all it really is. The levels in Uncharted are linear and don't allow much exploration. You'll often go from gun fight to gun fight like in other TPSs. As in previous games developed by Naughty Dog you will also be doing quite a bit of platforming. Puzzeles are also a part of Uncharted 2's single player but they shouldn't take a lot of your time. In the previous installment of this franchise there was just a single-player mode and that's it; now there's a multiplayer mode. The MP contains mostly the same modes and gameplay you would expect out of a TPS, relatively lag free.

The single-player mode is about ten hours long which is decent for a TPS. The general gameplay is superior to the original's. The MP mode is decent but it's nothing special either. If you're a huge TPS fan you're bound to find something to do but others will become bored of the MP rather quickly and will wonder why they even added an MP mode in the first place instead of just expanding the single-player.

Presentation, 10. Uncharted 2 is quite simply one of the most gorgeous games on the PS3. Each and every location you'll find yourself gracing will have you looking for the highest view just so you can gaze at the background.

The voice acting is quite steller as well. Most of the characters have quite a bit of personality to them, the main antoganist not so much however.

Value, 7. As I said previously the single-player is about ten hours long. The MP mode is fairly medicore and I would only recommend it if you really liked this game's gunplay because you will not find much platforming here.

Great single-player
Great gunplay, platforming, and puzzel solving
Fantastic graphics
Good voice acting
Too much emphasis on scripted gameplay and cinematics at times
Forgettable multiplayer

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a game I would recommend a purchase to anyone who liked the first even a little. For those of you who are casual TPS fans I would only advise a rental since the single-player is linear so there isn't that much replay value to it except for finding secrets to purchase stuff like costumes and the MP doesn't provide much replay value. All in all Uncharted 2 is a great game but unfortunately it has little staying power and is not something I will find myself playing for years to come.