This MARVEL V.S. CAPCOM thing has gone ultimate

User Rating: 8 | Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 PS3
In Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, fill the shoes of legendary characters from both the Marvel and Capcom Universes --including massively popular characters such as Ryu, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Morrigan, as well as fan favorites such as Trish from Devil May Cry and the wise-cracking Deadpool. They all come to you battle in a living comic book art style powered by Capcom's MT Framework.

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 prepares to take the battle to all-new heights in a updated version of the original hit fighting game Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. With brand new iconic characters from the Marvel and Capcom universes -- now with 48 characters on the disc -- a refined fighting system and new modes, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 continues the Capcom fighting game legacy.The characters that have been added are great choices in terms of mechanics, regardless of your preferences in their personalities. Hawkeye plays a mean game of keep-away with his brand of projectile madness, while Dr. Strange utilizes his own combo of magic powers. Rocket Raccoon's mobility and trap-based play-style are refreshing, while Frank West's 'Level Up' ability adds a twist for players who want to maximize his potential. And then there's the infamous Phoenix Wright, the defense attorney, whose mechanical departure is as close to Blazblue-esque as modern Capcom fighters have gotten. Of the new characters, no matter what your preferences are, you are bound to find someone new you can either incorporate into your own roster or someone you will want to learn how to use efficiently.
It's easy for gamers who aren't much into fighters to write off the significance that a new batch of playable characters can add to the depth and value of a fighting game, likely in the same way many write off what map packs can do for shooters. While it would've been nice to see this as a DLC add-on for those of us who purchased the original MvC3, the fact is that the entire game is literally altered, from its content to its mechanics to its interface, and such a "patch" would have been quite an oversized and complicated way to deliver it. If you have never picked up MvC3 or any MvC game, the price is more than worth the amount of content, depth, and attention to detail this package offers. That said, if you are new, you will probably want to do a bit of research on how to play the game first, as it expects you to have your "bread and butter" down pat out of the gate.