A good improvement over the previous version but still lacking modes.

User Rating: 8.5 | Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 PS3
9 months after the release of Marvel vs Capcom 3, comes Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. A more balanced version with 12 additional new characters and 8 new/revamped stages. The character changes will only be noticed by the hardcore players while the rest will see this as the exact same game that came out 9 months ago. You can now spectate matches in the Online mode but sadly, the game is still lacking a replay function/channel found in Super Street Fighter 4.
The new characters added in UMvC3 add a lot of depth and different strategies to the already massive character roster. This game is worth picking up if you're a hardcore fighting game fan. People that want a chaotic and fun game will also enjoy this. If you already owned the previous MvC3 and didn't like it, then it may be best to stay away from this. Overall, it's a good improvement over the original.