THE best jet sim on NES, hands down.

User Rating: 9 | Ultimate Air Combat NES
Graphics: Highly advanced especially for this system. Most of the jet sims that were out on this had very choppy and bad graphics, made it hard to play. This, on the other hand, has the smoothest I've seen on this console.

Sound/Music: Voice acting is included in this game and actually sounds good. You can understand what is being said and it's not like nails on a chalkboard. The music is great and has that 80s sound we all love in these games. Sounds are just your usual explosions and the jets flying around.

Difficutly: This game is no sweat, quite easy, and the levels are kept short and simple.

Gameplay: There's two different styles of gameplay in this. The first is behind the cockpit, your usual jet sim, flying around the skies and shooting down other jets while avoiding getting blown out of the air yourself. The other is a Desert Strike style of gameplay where you're given a specific target to destroy. Once you destroy all of that target, you automatically win the level. There's a nice varity of levels to choose from, all of which a different target such as bridges, barracks, and so on.

Controls: Similar to the difficulty; simple. They're quick to learn, nothing out of the ordinary.

Overall: Out of the entire range of jet simulators out there that were released on the NES, this runs the smoothest and is just simply the best out there on this console. If you don't own it, I suggest to look around for it.