good but at times frustrating game

User Rating: 8 | UEFA EURO 2008: Austria-Switzerland X360
UEFA Euro 2008 is by far the best football (soccer) game to date. The gameplay is very fluid and opposition AI are smart. Captain of your country is a good mode, but that is where some of the frustration comes in for me.
The point system is really unfair. They give the other players plus 0.5 points for just completing a pass, yet your player dosen't get any points for exacly the same thing. Playing captain of your country with some of your mates however is really fun and entertaining.
Playing as a team can be really challenging on harder difficulties. However, half and one star teams are really hard to beat with a five star teams such as Italy. You never get the ball when you are playing them. Also at times when you are playing you have all the possesion and loads of shots on target, but the goal keeper saves them all! Plus the other team will get one shot and score!
Apart from those very anoying cons about the game, everything else is solid. The graphics are pretty decent but players faces look unlike them when the cammra goes close up. Gamer controlled celebrations are unnecessary but still lots of fun.
Euro 2008 is the best football sim ever and despite problems it is still worth playing.