A bit of a diamond in the rough, though it definitely has it's blemishes.

User Rating: 8 | Two Worlds II PS3
Alright I'm gonna keep this review short, sweet, and to the point. Yes this game is flawed. The amount of visual hiccups is offensive, especially the very poor syncing between mouths and words. Character animations are okay but nothing great. Character models are passable but look a bit dated and often times look stiff. The game suffers a great deal of lag. Overall, the game is actually not bad graphically but suffers from a great deal of texture pop in. Controls are a bit wonky and are difficult to get used to. The game is also extremely unforgiving as it seems your true destiny at times is to die. Not to mention the beginning of the game sucks. Voice acting is a joke and is laughable at best. Oh and the main character is a complete and utter douche.

All that being said, this game is awesome. There was clearly some real thought put into the design and I must say that I am utterly impressed by the magnitude of the game. There is a real attention to detail as there is an overwhelming amount of things to do at times, though some are just random and maybe a bit odd (such as hunting baboons, not that I've ever done that). Combat is nothing revolutionary but serves its purpose and at times feels good. Magic is very in-depth and allows a lot of room for customization and experimenting. Crafting is also a real high point as the system as a whole works fantastically and is simple yet in-depth. Also the skill system is done really well and I love receiving skill points for doing various tasks.

Bottom line is that this game is extremely underrated. It's so flawed that I'm stunned I like this game as much as I do. Nevertheless though, it is a game I wish I would've picked up much sooner. "Oh that's rich"