User Rating: 2 | Trigger Man PS2
What can I say about Trigger man really I can say a lot of bad things about it and almost no good things about the game Trigger man. The graphics are pretty low and really bad looking is the thing I am going to start out with. The game play gets really boring sometimes and you think that you should be playing another game that would be better than trigger man that is boring also. Nothing can be as boring as Trigger man at all and I thought that big rigs sucked this game is way much worse than ever than big rigs. You should rather play Kill Switch which I thought was pretty fun to play tahn trigger man and what the hell is up with the name? The title it has even makes the game sound more boring than it really is. I thought it was really disappointing about almost everything in this entire game. I only played it for about 10 minutes and turned it off and never played trigger man again and so should you if you agreed with everything I have said about the most horrible game, Trigger man.