The orignal airbalde, bigger and better.

User Rating: 7.3 | TrickStyle DC
this game was out years before airblade and is miles better. it has the whole hoverboard thing worked out perfectly because you play on courses instead on the street. the tricks are so much more extravangant and beutialy exicuted in every way. the music goes really well with the game and the locations are like a mix between a wipeout game cause of the neon and a tony hawks game because of the skate parks. this game eas alllot of fun as a multiplayer and really challanging as a single player. cool characters that are animated really well and look fluent on the hover boards. this game mostly reminds me on the ssx series because of the hoverboards handling as it slides when it hits the floor and it rotates awesumly. this game is allot of fun and it plays well on the dreamcast. a very enjoyable and on the dreamcast it felt like more of an accomplsihment rather than a fun game. if anybodys likes ssx and tony hawks give this a try.

well if you can find it anywhere i mean copies have proably been destroyed due to the sheer number of years its been since its realse. happy hunting.