A dull game only for Transformers fans and collectors.

User Rating: 3 | Transformers: The Game PSP
Transformers are cool but the PSP version of Transformers the game is nothing compared to the Wii version. The PSP version provides a long time of boredrem and is of no value to being able to pass by safley. Here are my opinions about this game.
The good
-Solid voice acting.
-Some other characters appear.
-Nice music.

The bad
-Dull action
-Even multiplayer can't save the game.
-Bad graphics.
-Transformers don't have much unique stuff except thier designs are different but everyone's meele is nearly the same and all the weapons are close to being all same.
-Horrible camera.
-Dull levels.

I am very dissapointed with Savage Entertainment but this game still allows us to transform and kick some robot shells. But worse, the next one on PSP is even worse. So to end this review, I just want to say that the third Transformers PSP game must be devoloped by someone other then these devolopers.(I did not say second becaue the second was also devoloped by Savage Enetertainment and worse.)