Entertaining game

User Rating: 9 | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen X360
his is a really fun game that hasnt recieved enough credit. It has alot of great modes and aspects that make a great game. For deathmatch it has nice sized maps with a good number of spaces. it has a nice character range including different weapons and attack styles. For team death-match team work is required and when executed gives both players points for score ( depending on who did the most work) it also has fun little game modes like leader mode 'one shall stand' and capture the flag, erm.. shard!. and the DLC is worth it and not over priced *cough* Lost and Damned' *cough*. The campaign is very fun with alot of levels and objective. The G1 series unlockables is a nice touch because they just simply own. And the game only retails now about £30.00. The only disapointing thing about this game is that in ranked matches it is hard to team up with your friends in a game and the reason we dont do player matches is because no one else does.