A very horrible and tiring experience make this game one of the worst movie tie-ins ever.

User Rating: 3.5 | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen WII
After watching the disastrous Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, I thought this game would be very fun because the movie had lots of action and really cool villains. Boy was I wrong. This game is one of the worst action games the Nintendo Wii could offer. From the game's tiring gameplay to it's horrible graphics, it's like the designers wanted this to be a disaster.

In this game you become autobots and decepticons. There is just one campaign and it's very short. It can be completed in less then six hours. If you want it to be longer you can try to unlock characters but once you do, nothing happens. The story is not complex at all. When you're a decepticon you try to destroy the world and when you're an autobot, you try to save it.

Besides the story mode there is the multiplayer mode. This is one of the worst multiplayer modes I have played in my life. You and your friend pick two characters and try to kill as many enemies as you can. It's really hard to do that because there's is a limited space to move around and it's really hard shooting enemies because you're friend can keep getting in your way.

The gameplay is really bad. The ways you can kill an enemy is by shooting or hitting. I would really advise shooting because every time you try hit, you have wave the wii remote over and over again and it's very tiring. The one thing that really ticked me off was that you can't transform at all when you're in a combat levels and those levels are 85% of the game. In those other levels you become a car or a plane. These levels are okay but it would be way better if they had mixed the on foot and vehicle levels.

The graphics in this game are horrible. It's really hard to say that this game is in 3-D. The sound is okay but what I found weird was that there were no humans in this game. Sorry Megan Fox fans.

All in all this game is disappointing. The only positive note is that the vehicle levels are good. I would advise people to not buy this game and forget that it ever existed.