Rather unusual and fun but a little bit complex

User Rating: 7.5 | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen PC
So the game is fun, I'm a fan of Activision and they're keeping their reputation. There is no other game anything like this one and they've done a fairly good job making it, so to say, playable.

Its definitely not one of the better ones I played, but its not too bad either. The concept, graphics and the layout is very well thought out but the controls are poor and I don't like the movements when flying around..

I hope they will fix that stuff in the following sequel, it would make the game go up to rating 9.0 for sure.

I set it as 'Hard' because of the controls, it's quite hard maneuvering the machines, aiming and shooting and running and jumping and all that stuff in seconds.

I just recently got it so I haven't played much but I played enough to be able to write a review and I hope someone will find my point of view useful or at least agree with it.