possibly one of the worst games ive ever played

User Rating: 2 | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen X360
where can i begin? i'll start with the only thing thats good about it.

the graphics. they were pretty damn good. but wait, i forgot. graphics is more important than gameplay these days! well, thats what it seems to be anyway.

apart from that, the rest of the game is just utter garbage. once i completed the tutorial and started the proper missions, i found it was pretty much the same for each level. ( i did the decepticon missions) all i seemed to be doing was killing autobots over and over. so the missions were extremely repetitive.

the fighting was crap too. you had to keep using the same attacks, whether its a gun or a melee attack, it just pretty much kept like that.

so overall, i added an extra point for the graphics, but apart from that, this is just another terrible game of the movie...a very overrated game of the movie in fact.

don't buy this horrible game.