Growing up with the movies made me buy the game. The game peaks your curiosity more than your competitive edge.

User Rating: 7 | Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3 WII
The game of a movie usually always gets a bad reputation. The game is great to entertain younger audiences and would probably be a great first video game. The movie game has no spoilers really, and many of the stages are short and creative. My love for Pixar and the characters really made me enjoy this game. Buzz, Woody, and Jessie are playable characters, Zurg is available on the PS3 version. On most stages you have to use certain characters for their skills and abilities, much like the LEGO franchise games. The creative part of the game is the dream land. I feel like the level creators just had fun and did what they wanted. You are the sheriff of the town and you have to go on little missions and discover. It's almost like your stuck in Andy's imagination, or what he really sees when he played with his toys. The game is good for all ages, and great for a movie game. Toy Story 3 kind of had a disputable ending though...