Solid production values don't save this uninspired clone from tedium. Could be any of the previous TW games repainted.

User Rating: 6.5 | Total War: Shogun 2 PC
I had great fun playing TW games in the past, and I don't begrudge newcomers to the series their kick at the cat so to speak. Having said that, I can't really find anything to redeem this newest offering. I haven't finished a campaign, and I probably won't. The simple reason behind this is as follows: I'm playing the same formulaic game that I started playing in TW Rome . So the paint has changed, the voices have changed, the cut-scenes have changed, but the game play is stubbornly planted in the exact same spot as it has been for what, ten years now? Isn't anybody else getting bored with this?

I know the developers would be taking a huge risk by deviating from a proven best-seller system, so I guess that not much from me is going to sway the design process in the future, but I reserve the right to forewarn veteran strategy gamers the there really isn't anything new to see here, folks. The presentation , graphics, and programming are typically TW solid, but graphical changes and programming tightness don't satisfy me as a gamer. The overall sense of fun has languished for me in the long succession of cookie-cutter TW games. Sorry.