Doesn't quite replace Sid Meier's Pirates, but if you're tired of SMP, this might be a fun game to play for a while.

User Rating: 7.3 | Tortuga - Two Treasures PC
Graphics: Pretty good.. The sea portion of the game has fairly nice looking graphics, and the game runs quite well for me. The land portion of the game, however, has fairly awful graphics that would compare to probably.. BF1942. That's unacceptable for today's games.

Controls: The controls feel great for the sea battles, but things can get kind of annoying when you're on the land-fighting mode.

Gameplay: Overall decent, but I don't care for the linear feel. I wish the game was more free-roam like sid meier's pirates, but instead you're stuck with a linear story line and basically zero freedom. It also feels like the mission (sea) battles are constricted a lot, because you'll get turned around if you hit a border of the 'map' (even though you're just heading out to open sea). The land part of the game kinda sucks for gameplay, and the fights are either too easy or too hard (depending on the difficulty you play).

Sound: Meh, I'm a graphics junkie so sound doesn't really matter to me, no complaints here.

Overall: I'd probably not advise buying this game.. Save your money and spend it on something upcoming & better, like C&C 3 or Test Drive Unlimited.