
User Rating: 7.5 | Top Spin 4 PS3
I wanted to like this game. It has a lot going for it in terms of ball action and controls. There are intense vollies and the difficulty system works. There are a lot of players and the create a player is OK. I do not go online so I can't comment on online play.
The graphics are also very good and the crowd reaction and sound is fine.
Now the issues: Unless I am being a dork about finding it, this game has no ability to watch the players and you need to participate at all times as Player One. I think most current gen sports games allow you to take a break and watch and I miss that here. Also, the camera angles are worse than last year. Last year they were good, this year bad. I see no excuse for going backwards on this point. There are very few female players, which I found a bad idea, although obviously you can create them. I found the female players to be less realistic than the men. Part of this is due to the strange modesty factor. Why not show the women wearing shorts rather than dresses if the makers are going to show the dresses never move realistically? They should have shown the women in men style tennis shorts and then the movement would be easier to watch.
Perhaps the biggest problem is that the shot animations are too limited. For a third gen game, I would expect more varied options of how the ball hits the surface and how it reacts when it leaves your racket. People make fun of tennis games by calling them PONG varients, and the makers should be sensitive to this and give better visuals.
On the whole the action is good, and the game can be an enjoyable intense experience, even against the computer, but I wanted more.