Gamespots official review was seemingly done by someone who watched a few youtube videos rather than playing it himself.

User Rating: 7.5 | Too Human X360
While certain criticisms made to this point are absolutely valid (camera control, level size and pacing) the gamespot review score of a 5.5 is perhaps one of the most flawed scores given to date. The combat is incredibally fun and actually takes some time to master, understanding angles and how best to keep yourself moving, and alive are often tactics not mastered until somewhere in the middle of a second play-through. Stunning environments and unique enemies abound in a free for all for the senses that engages the eye enough to compensate fairly well for some of the shortcomings in terms of pacing. Co-op brings a new dimension to gameplay and ups the difficulty significantly, and even if your a much lower level than your online compatriot, this will not last as Too human does a wonderful job of splitting loot and awarding both players exp.

in short, a critic score of 7.5 to 8.0 with a post-script of "don't read gamespots review, try it for yourself" would be my gift to this community.