Repetitve Gameplay, Linear level design, Bad Targeting, and Frustrating enemies hold this Action/Rpg from true greatness

User Rating: 6 | Too Human X360
At first sight Too Human's Action/Rpg formula seems like a great idea, with a

lot of exciting possibilities:a cybernetic twist on Norse Mythology, fluent

combat system,and cool rpg elements you would think this would be a great

game. Unfortunately it is not. The story (just like a lot of the gameplay) is

extremely flawed, with bad voice acting and cheesy cut-scenes you just won't

really care for any of the games many characters, not to mention if you don't

know anything about Norse mythology your pretty much screwed. The

gameplay isn't much better, guns have pretty awful targeting, you will end up

fighting the same enemies over and over again, and there are some really

frustrating enemy attacks such as radiation poisoning and freezing. Level

design is also very linear and can get old fast. Fortunately, Too Human isn't

all bad, there are multiple different classes, some great rpg elements, cool

weapons and armor,and online co-op which adds replay value to this already

short game. In the end Too Human has it's moments but overall it can be very
