The best tony hawk game in the series.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tony Hawk's Underground PS2
THUG may very well be the best Tony Hawk game ever made, not the best skating game (Skate is powning), but the best TH game. In the game, you start out as a kid who has pipe dreams of being a great skater, who hangs out with his buddy,(or is he his buddy?) just skating around. The story starts when your "buddy" sets a gang car on fire, and leaves his skate board around, now reduced to pieces, and you have to fetch those pieces, without being seen by the gang members. I can't tell you more, it is a great storyline that you will have to figure out for yourself. In this game, it does a thing that no skating game has done in that time: let you get off your board. You will find that this is easy, fun, and great with combos. Another thing is this- you can drive cars!!!! This is an amazing feature, because, so many levels, so many obstacles, you figure it out. The game also does a thing that, sadly, no future TH game yet, (if there will be another one, not counting on it) does, which is: create and customize your own board. There are really cool things you can do in the game, especially in freeskate. One of the coolest things is ----------------------SPOILER ALERT--------------- a KISS stage level in the desert, with a few desert buggies. The story is great, it does a great job of showing how you become one of the greats, and puts a lot of laughs and gasps in you. This game is the best in the series, and if you want a good old-fashion TH game, (pretty much no one does) this is the installment for you.