Tony hawks proving grounds is a amazing achievement that no one should miss. Editors choice

User Rating: 9 | Tony Hawk's Proving Ground X360
The good:Completly amazing graphics. cool added stuff like the the skate lounge and nail the manual. Really fun gameplay.

The bad: the framerate can slowdown at some spots.Only 6 hours long before the credits.the tracklist isnt very good(only a few good songs)

Tony hawks proving grounds is a really great game and is really worth buying. The gameplay even after all this time is still really fun, and stuff like place objects to make crazy skate stuff is awesome.

There is only one word to describe the graphics in this game,wow! The models really look like humans and i have to say neversoft and activision really worked with the graphics .

The sound track i say the same thing,there is only a few good ones like breed,the pretender, holiday in the sun,and do you want to see the world but the rest of the song list isnt very good,the framerate will drop sometimes (not Often) and it only takes a good 6 hours (40 percant)before you see the credits roll but youll have a great time with this game.

Tony hawks proving grounds is a amazing achievement that no one should miss.
Graphics:10:One word wow
Sound:5.5:only a few good songs but thats it,atleast sound effect are good
Gameplay:9.0:Short but still very fun
Lasting:7.0:Its a very short but sweet experience.
