Tomodachi Collection - A Game worth playing

User Rating: 8 | Tomodachi Collection DS

Tomodachi Collection is a very fun game for those who have basic skills in the Japanese language, in other words this game is in Japanese. What do you do in the game? You care and play with your Miis, So what you do in a nutshell is Feed, Play and help your Miis socialize and make new friends or maybe even get them together then married. But every game has it's flaws, because this is on the Nintendo DS the voices sound very robotic which can get very annoying, also this game is very short you'll play it for a month and see just about all what it has to offer. (Aside from Clothes and Food items) This game isn't meant for everyday game play. But I will end with saying that there is an English version of this game for the Nintendo 3DS, but that's another review.