So far, the game is everything I expected. A bit too much blow ups and not enought acrobatic moves.

User Rating: 9 | Tomb Raider (The Final Hours Edition) PS3
I am not a techi person so can only submit my comments on the game play up to this point. The game keeps moving and I like the realism on her suffering pain when badly hurt. There should be less blow ups and more acrobatic moves. Seems one is always in a firefight More stealth moves to get away from the "bad guys" would make the game more interesting. After all, how many explosions can one take. the story is great. I find the controls very good except when I encounter close up fighting. Can't get her to respond quickly enough. The fact one is allowed to go back to base camp, travel through an area once travelled is great. Finding the tombs is far more interesting that just jumping from one level to another, shooting and blowing up. The rewards are great. The background scenery in each level is fantastic, also, too, the background sounds. Having said all this, I would strongly recommend the game