Tomb Raider's excellent environment and beautiful story captivates you in a game,that's so unlike Lara's previous!!1

User Rating: 8 | Tomb Raider (Collector's Edition) PS3

Tomb Raider is my 3rd game in the series,,the first two i was unable to complete because of difficulty among other issues,,but this one is pretty simple n quite enjoyable as it's completely different from other games!!!!!!!

Story-An excellent story based on a fable coming true in the lives of some researchers(including Lara),which soon turns to be a nightmare for them.The presentation is excellent,the sad sequences are pretty well designed,as are the circumstances unfolding the conversion of Naive Lara to an expert Raider Lara Croft.
Plot:Lara with her team picks up a voyage to Eastern Asia to uncover the mystery behind a famous old Japanese fable,regarding the Queen of Storms,when their ship gets caught in a deadly storm n they are forced to reach ashore.Soon they realize that they have been trapped in the island by something unknown,which they must find out along with killing 1000s of tortured humans who have been inhabitant of the island due to the same circumstances n have lost their mind!!!!!!

Combat-The main focus of the game is on Combat,rather than puzzles as compared to previous games in the series,,it's kinda good too,,u can choose to play it as stealth game(tough) or go out and bang evry single bad guy(awesome).The modifications of weapons are cool too,and are a big reason that despite some repetitive sequences,u won't feel bored!!!!!!
Boss battles=Leaving a couple of occasions,u face the same type of enemies again and again,there are a few bosses,which are actually easy!!!!

Environment-If Tomb Raider really beats other games in the series in any field,,this is the one,,,The World is beautifully designed,as are the different non-story Tombs u can raid.Being an open world game,it has a lot to offer!!!!!!

Characters-Leaving Lara,other characters are pretty shallow.The deaths of her crew-member make you sad,cause she wants to cry for them,,but minutes later,all empathy disappears,and she starts messing around(which is quite surprising)....

Overall,the game is good but it lacks the familiar feelings of being a tomb raider,,and spending hours trying to solve puzzles,but still the change is acceptable,at least for me,hope to get a mix of combat n puzzles in next games!!!!!!!

Happy Gaming!!!!!!!!!