Tomb Raider rustled my jimmies.. in a good way.

User Rating: 8 | Tomb Raider PC

I was always a fan of the original Tomb Raider games. I remember sitting on my horribly pre-fab Dell computer back in the 90's, watching Lara Croft's behind for hours upon hours. I won't lie, it's been a long time since I've played a Tomb Raider game, but I'm glad I played this one.

Once I hit play I noticed there was a benchmark feature I could use - so I did! No lag, very pretty textures and color.. I was ready to go! As a played on the first night, I noticed I really felt the bones of the original games. It was exactly what I always imagined Tomb Raider would be like improved from back in the day. It felt smooth and organic to me, my fingers (for the most part) knew where to go, the controls felt just soft enough, and it just seemed right.

Now, I won't say the game was perfect; there are quite a few quick-time events (which of course got a bit repetitive), relatively easy "boss" fights, a few minor glitches, and my biggest complaint was the length. I finished the game on Normal difficulty in 19 hours. To put this in perspective, I've logged over 200 on Skyrim - and I consider both to be entertaining!

But overall, the game was fun. I caught it on sale and I personally think the purchase was well worth it. Tomb Raider almost brought me back to my childhood gaming days. Good times, guys.. good times.