Finally, a good Splinter Cell game on a handheld!

User Rating: 8 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Essentials PSP
Splinter Cell Essentials is an underrated game. The gameplay is solid and offers some exciting and challenging sequences and senarios. I will break this review down into small categories.

Gameplay - Some satisfying elements can really amp up the tention. Also, the guards in this game walk very fast...

Sound - Most of the sound is flawed. Some sounds come too late and sometimes they come at times when they are not necessary.

Graphics - The overall textures and animations are okay but there are just too many bodies going through walls for my taste. I've gotten used to Chaos Theorys' ragdoll physics.

Controls - The controls are not bad but they arent good either. The camera system may get annoying and the buttons are usually slow to respond.

Overall, Splinter Cell Essentials is a pretty good game with controls that take some getting used to.